Friday, September 19, 2008

Lauhala Mats, Sea Shelters, Cultural Implements

From time immemorial, our kupuna would set up traditional sea shelters near the shore during certain months of the year. Most of us did this with our parents, too. Although materials have changed, this practice has been continued through the present.

Our tarps and tents are our Sea Shelters.
Our cots and blankets are our Lauhala Mats.
Our motor vehicles are our Wa'a.

We do not know what materials our future generations will use to protect themselves and their 'ohana as they practice our culture. But we do know that if we teach them the right ways to live with the land and sea right now, they will be more likely to use those things for the benefit of the 'aina and all of the people who depend upon it for life.

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