Monday, November 2, 2009

Is the proposed Predator Fence at Ka'ena really necessary?

Brent Lisemeyer of DLNR addresses concerns over the fence . . . it is interesting to note the point on the current bird population and continued increase with or without the fence . . . the dog attacks mentioned occurred several years ago and has not at all impacted the current population at the point. The fence will not keep dogs out of the area - especially when people take their dogs in off-leash.
He also states other reasons for the project which I find concerning: 1) so that "those living on the main Hawaiian islands can get a glimpse of what it looks like on the northwest Hawaiian islands."
2)"To restore an eco-system that has been damaged by human efforts by protecting it with human efforts" 3) "The fence is going to last for a significant period of time and hopefully its demonstration as a viable technique here in Hawaii will be shown and be used elsewhere . . . that's the biggest benefit, that it will be an example project for others and lead the way into the future."

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